Beruda Project Update

With £300 already in the kitty, and £1066 from the Brunch Event, £1366 has been sent to Cameroon and by the middle of November will be put to work. Every pound is to be accounted for and you will hear of the amazing effect this money has made to the people on the ground.

In August, a most generous donation of £500 from Mandy and Katie Hood was sent to Beruda and I can report it has been spent as follows:-

  1. Chantal, aged 16, attends the Acha Baptist College. She was abandoned by her mother when very young and her father is not known. Chantal was taken into care by the Goodness and

Mercy Mission run by Father Teh and his wife. With a donation of this money she can train to become a teacher.

  1. Claudine, aged 15, is studying at the Government High School InIbalacha close to Belo. Claudine lost both her father and mother from AIDS, which is when the Goodness and Mercy Mission stepped in to help and this money will help her to train to become a teacher.
  1. Rose, aged 13, comes from a poor family. Her parents are farmers and earn about £2.00 per day, so they cannot afford to educate their nine children. Rose lives with another family who have taken her in and whilst this foster family were able to send her to primary school her education was to cease there.   With a donation of only £80 this has paid for her school fees, text books and uniform for one year. In addition, Rose has been given £50 to buy chicken, feed and cages. Her responsibility now is to feed the chickens, rear them and sell at market and buy more chickens and continue to repeat the process. This income from the chickens will give Rose enough money to fund her own schooling from year one and beyond and find a career after her schooling.

So with £130 donated to Rose (3) the remaining £370 will be spent on Chantal (1) and Claudine(2) plus a further four children who are currently being assessed.   That is 7 children who will be given the chance of education and finding a career and a sustainable way of life for themselves rather than be condemned to a life of poverty.

Thank you Mandy and Katie so very much for getting the ball rolling and inspiring me to get on and fund raise for Beruda.

As this is written, the Shwopping Evening on 15th November is still to take place but I am hopeful that we can raise another £134.00 (or more) making a total of £1500.00. This amount would make the most wonderful Christmas present from Hornsea URC and Hornsea Community to the children being supported by the Beruda Project.

The hope and encouragement that has already been given to the field workers, children and Father Teh and his wife of Goodness and Mercy Mission since your involvement is enormous. They are all so truly grateful and they thank you from the bottom of their hearts and I have received e mails to show their gratitude.

If anyone wants more details or wants to come “on board” I would be delighted to talk to you at any time and can show you photographs of the children and their progress to date.

I am working on some plans for 2015 but would welcome any input at any time.

So from those at the Beruda Project in Cameroon and in UK,

God Bless you all.

PS Further details and pictures and stories can be found on the internet through googling:-   Afri link – Beruda or Goodness and Mercy Mission (GMM) Africa