Worship in July

Sunday               13      12 noon onwards  Sea Sunday at the Boathouse
Monday              14     2.30 p.m    Singing at The Promenade
Tuesday             15     1.30 p.m.  Bible Study at the Manse (5th of 5)
1.30 p.m.  Crafty Club in the Church Hall
Wednesday        16     2 p.m.  Friendship Hour:
Rev. Steven Knapton: Commitment for Life
Saturday            19     Carnival Saturday  Light Refreshments
Monday              21     2.30 p.m.  Singing at Elim Lodge
Wednesday        23     7.30 p.m.  Elders and Methodist Stewards meet in our Church Hall
Saturday            26     9.30 – 1.30  Local Market
Tuesday             29     1.30 p.m.  Crafty Club in the Church Hall

August/September Newsletter .If you are thinking of putting something in the next Newsletter, please speak to Sarah or Jane NOW so space can be reserved.  After the deadline is too late to save space.

Last date FRIDAY 11 July.. Issue available Sunday 3rd August.

Please give your material to Sarah or Jane